Alternative Work Schedules & Planning

MetaOps Admin

November 12, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC+0

Changes in workplaces, including hybrid and remote schedules have caused organizations and leaders to examine how teams can effectively work together to reach goals and build business. Organizations, include industrial manufacturing, require alternative work schedules to provide work/life synergies. Remote, alternative and flexible work schedules can accommodate modern lifestyles, but they also present their own challenges. In our course, our experts will offer strategies for managing productivity when creating, implementing, or taking on a dispersed workforce. Our team will guide you through the latest trends regarding alternative, remote and flexible work schedules and training. Our instructors will discuss technology and solutions for in-house, on-site flexible scheduling while discovering techniques to optimize remote workers. At the end of this course, you will have skills to help with effective scheduling to improve progress on your projects no matter where your workers are located or when they schedule their optimal working hours. We encourage participants to pair this seminar with our course on "Project Management." Continuing Education Credits - 10 credits


November 12, 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC+0
Event Category: